Burying and mourning a beloved family member or friend is heart breaking. The lamented deserve kindness, compassion and commemoration befitting of their place in our lives and the lives of others. While the departed’s body may be but a broken shell, his or her spirit resides in each of us eternally. For this reason, both body and spirit deserve a respectful and dignified approach to burial and mourning. Indeed, everyone deserves the dignity of a meaningful funeral service and burial; one that is personalized and pays tribute to a life well lived.
A funeral, while sad in nature, is also an opportunity for celebration of family and friends. A funeral is the final act that anyone of us can perform for a loved one—with no expectation of reward. For this reason, a proper funeral is the ultimate act of kindness. It’s the funeral director’s job to ensure that everything goes smoothly at the service and at graveside. The rabbi’s role is to ensure that the deceased’s virtues and accomplishments are affirmed for all to hear, so that their life will serve to inspire each of us. I’ll do my best to impart a genuine sense of spirituality, affection, nobility, ritual and tradition to your loved one’s funeral and interment.
The customary honorarium for my services at a funeral in Nassau County is $1,250, and includes the actual funeral and/or graveside service and, time permitting, a suggested one or two meetings (either live, or virtual, or by telephone) with me. If applicable, travel expenses outside of the Nassau County area and lodging are paid for by the bereaved family.